Friday, 10 October 2014



On Tuesday:

First we do circle time. During the assembly we talk about the weather and how we are. The assistant of the day is Jorge Jaqueti. Students stand up, the teacher names a color and they have to find something in the class with that color and touch it. We played a few rounds of the game to check if they remembered the colors.

With flashcards we say toys we like. We introduce a couple new. We do a couple of round and we say the toy we like.

Sitting on the chairs we play a different game. The teacher shuffles the flashcards and the assistant gives two to each student, they put them on the table. While doing this, students say thank you and the assistant answer you are welcome. The teacher asks different questions like who has a teddy bear? the student who has it picks it up and show it to the rest, in the case he didnt notice the other students can tell them (vocabulary: scooter, car, doll, teddy bear, kite, etc.). By the time we end the game each student has 5 flashcards.

Finally, we play SIMON SAYS

On Thursday: 

The assistant of the day is Carlos Rodríguez. We play a game with a bag and the flashcards saying the toys and the colours.

Then sitting in the chairs, the assistant gives a coloring activity to each student. While doing this, students say thank you and the assistant answer you are welcome.
There is two sets of coloring activities, each one with 6 different toys. I ask them to choose their favorite toy and circle it and then color it. Once they have finishthe teacher gives them the second set and we repeat the activity.
Now, the students try to guess my favorite toy by naming them. Once they find it they color it too. To finish with the coloring activity the teacher names a toy and students have to point at it. We do this for a few rounds.

Then we play a game, students sit on the floor and close their eyes while counting to ten. The teacher hides different flashcards in the class and when they finish counting I tell them what flashcard they have to find, for example you have to find the teddy bear. We do several rounds with different flashcards.

To finish the class we listen to the song five little monkeys while we do the movements for the song and try to learn the lyrics. 


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